The “Subject Property” is a 53.229 acre / 2,318,651 square foot property having approximately 17.058 acres situated within the urban boundary while the remaining 36.171 acres being situated outside of the urban boundary.
Various concept plans have been submitted to the City’s Planning Department for the subject property proposing a mixed commercial development for the portion of lands within the urban area boundary
The site will be accessed from a new municipal road off the existing roundabout. The proposed concept plans features two development blocks and a stormwater management pond.
The northern portion of the subject property is designated as Highway Commercial as per Rolling Meadows Secondary Plan, City of Thorold.
Highway Commercial - The historical commercial designation of the Highway 20 corridor was intended to provide commercial uses to serve the needs of local industry. Recognizing that the form and function of land uses to the north of Highway 20 has changed and is principally of a residential nature, the following policies, in addition to those of Section B1.4 of this Plan, apply. The development and redevelopment of the RM Highway Commercial areas shall capitalize upon the site’s strategic location to the travelling public, major tourism destinations, urban centres, existing industrial areas, and the developing residential community.
13105 Lundy's Lane
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